Mandatory Features of an Educational Website/ App
Finding, building and using an app or a website is not new or a big thing in today’s time. People have been using numerous apps and websites for different purposes ranging from shopping websites to booking doctor’s appointment to educational purposes. Education is of key essence for modern society. One needs to learn about culture, history and other important aspects so that they would be able to contribute to modern society. Education molds people into leaders not only with knowledge about (college) subjects, but it also shows them how to lead with emotions and true values.
Educational websites and apps are of many different kinds where they offer information through lectures, videos, live examples and illustrations which give a very detailed idea on the concepts explained and thus make it easier and interactive for the students.

The apps maybe free and may be paid. But the purpose of each one of them is the same- to make the content/topic/chapter in the video clearer and make it understand better to the student. If this is achieved, the purpose is served.
An important thing to remember here is that, all students do not have the same grasping capacity. Therefore, the content should be designed accordingly with simple language.
What should any Educational App or Website have?
Meet the Curriculum and Standards
Every subject has a curriculum depending on the region, the student studies. It is very necessary to maintain and be parallel to the syllabus while giving knowledge to them, as they need to be in sync with the other students.
Attractive & Interactive Content
One of the major reasons, these educational sites or websites are famous is due to their interactive and eye catchy content instead of the regular chalk and board stuff. Any subject taught through different methods like visuals, tutorials gets embedded in the student’s mind and he/she remembers it for a long time.
Moreover, children are moody and lose focus if they do not get interested in what is taught. It is also dependent on the age of the students, what and how it should be explained. For example, if the audience is below 12 yrs, cartoons, animations and vibrant colours can be quite useful to catch their attention they would be interested in it, but for the students above 12 yrs, the matter should be made interactive and sort of ‘cool’, so that they do not get bored which can be done by taking some real world examples to know the application of the topic, and stylish slide backgrounds.
The background music is also quite helpful to keep the students focused. The music should be such that it is pleasant to hear in the background, but not distractive to divert the attention.
An Easy Journey
Any app or website would be having number of pages with different menus for different controls. These controls and options should not be a distraction for the students and the navigation to each should be kept simple, so as to keep them focused on the matter they learn, rather than the other factors.
Like the login/signup page should contain too many details to be filled, or else, the student will not even go halfway through it, just the important details should be collected with most attractive UI.
Interactive Sessions and Live Tutorials with the teachers
A very important factor for an educational app or website is that they provide the students, a chance to ask their doubts to the teachers who would resolve it at that time itself. If the doubt is solved immediately, it is useful for the students. The students can be provided like a ‘chat now’ option with the teachers for it, and feedback can be asked to know what else to include and make the learning better.
Personalized Experience
Everyone likes to feel special. This can be done by the websites/ apps by giving them special offers , special gifts and special learning experiences which helps them develop more interest. The app should also keep in mind, the learning capacity and grasping power of the students and teach them according to it, so that the students feel that they are treated specially and makes it enjoyable for them

Some of the Educational Websites/Apps
There are hundreds of websites and apps out there with a multitude of features that would help a child learn anything he/she wants.
All of these offer some or the other unique features that would help a student, who might be confused, understand better.
The Educational App Store
This website contains all the kinds of educational apps a student or a teacher could wish for.
They are divided topic wise along with a description to it, review of app and a special section for the teachers also.
It is accessible on Android and Apple devices. This app would be quite helpful for students in elementary classes.
Taking a photo to get the solution of a math problem is the unique feature offered by Photomath.
The students get a step by step process to solve any numerical with the help of the app.
This app is accessible on Android and Apple devices.
It would be quite helpful to high school students

It also provides a unique technique to learn the things better- through “flashcards”.
A study set of questions are created which are then used by the users, the students to electronically test themselves, thus, making it unbiased.
It can be learned for any subject, there are some pre-prepared flashcards available, or the new ones can be created, if needed.
This app is available for Android and Apple devices.
BrainPOP is yet another such app based on a unique concept of movie creation. Each video shown comprises of a quiz, which tests the amount of information shared by it, whether it has been absorbed or not.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” as Nelson Mandela said. It helps people become better citizens, get a better-paid job, shows the difference between good and bad. Education shows us the importance of hard work and, at the same time, helps us grow and develop. Thus, we are able to shape a better society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws, and regulations. Learning languages through educational processes helps interact with different people in order to exchange ideas, knowledge, good practices. It teaches us to live in harmony.