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Top 10 Strategies To Increase App Retention

Retention rate is one of the most important factors for app marketers. Well, it is said to retain a customer and give them the best user experience. But is it enough? Is that all we can do? So, the answer is No!!. You can do various things to increase your retention rate, which we're gonna talk about in this article.


Table of Contents

  1. What is Retention Rate?

  2. Why does it matter so much?

  3. What are the top 10 strategies to increase app retention?

  4. Which app has the highest retention rate?


Let's move ahead then!!!

What is Retention Rate?

A retention rate is how long people are staying on your app. It is usually weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Because the more people will be using your app it will increase your revenue. However, a good retention rate is when people are staying on your app and using it and a bad retention rate is when people are not staying on your app or they are leaving in bulk or they just download and uninstall it after their work. Keeping an eye over your retention rate is important so you can get to know if your marketing really works and people like it in your app or not? , which helps in further business decision making.


Why does it matter so much?

Now, you’ll be thinking  why does it matter on earth? Is it so? I’ve an answer for you. Retention rate plays an important role in decision making in various ways such as,

  1. To increase your sales funnel

  2. To deliver best user experience

  3. An effective way to market new products and services

  4. It lowers the customer acquisition costs

  5. Company growth

  6. Can measure future performance

  7. Upselling option will reduce marketing costs

What are the top 10 strategies to increase app retention?

1. Early Data Tracking

Tracking early data is essential to fairly measure the retention rates and it gives a chance to improve the problems, if any occurs. It will help you in almost every way from measuring performance to making decisions and believe me,  it will have great success!!


2. Beta Testing

Beta testing your app not just  eliminates the chances of mistakes but also, it creates your customer base before even launching your app , you’ll have your customer. You can cater your customer more promptly.As you’ll get to know what is running in the market? What makes people excited about apps? When and How do people love to share their experience to other users? And much more. You’ll have answers and insights to all of these questions.


3. Soft launch your app

A soft launching is about releasing your app to a small region out of your audience. It gives scope for improvements and builds brand awareness. Word of mouth is a very powerful tool it can make you or can break you. You need to be cautious while moving to every single step.


4. Product & Marketing Should be a Perfect Match

You have to ensure that your product and marketing must be a perfect match to each other. Because if it's not you’re in big trouble. People will not trust a business who has something in their product and said something else about the product. It actually frustrates people and they’ll just download and uninstall it, which eventually leads to a decrease in retention rate.


5. User Onboarding Optimization 

Never forget that you first aim ,the reason you’re doing so many things, to retain your customers with yourself. And, for this user, onboarding should be as smooth as butter. Ahhn!! don’t think of BTS now, they have nothing to do with this. You have to make the onboarding process easy, quick and smooth. If you find any bugs you’ve to resolve it as soon as possible. As people tend to switch instantly if something isn’t working. Remember Whatsapp didn’t work at night and millions of users switched to telegram. Ahh! It's painful but a hard lesson to learn.

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6.App Store Optimization
App store optimization is about getting higher ranking in the app store by making changes. It helps in boosting retention rate and attracts users and provides them a clear representation of what they’ll get after installing the app. In other words, a clear description or visuals of what exactly they're gonna see in the app. Don’t forget to take the note that description should be mentioned in bullet points; it makes it subtle and more organized. Also, while writing a description do your homework for Keyword Research and SEO. What’s people looking for? What’s ranking high on search engines? Make sure you mention your description while keeping all these points in mind.

7. Personalization
This is what everyone loves: Personalized Product!! It made your customer feel like this is just for them only. As a human tendency we love to go to those products or services which gives you the feeling of “Made For Me Only”. You can personalize your app by user usage experience and provide them as per them because people find it more appealing and this will help in boosting retention rate. But nothing works if it exceeds the limit, so you need to find the right balance.

8. Push Notifications
Push notifications are also an amazing strategy to improve your app retention rate. It can be directly sent to the user's device. Although it depends if they want to grant permission for push notification or not. It actually depends on the app business or nature also. Like, a person will choose for push notifications if it's a chatting app because a person wants to be up-to-date for every single message but if it's a blog travel or any other app he will not likely to be chosen. Rest it varies from user to user as per their interest and preferences.

9. Email Marketing
Being a business in the app market you have to ace your email marketing. It helps in brand building , brand awareness, boosting sales, creating loyal customer base, increase in engagement and ultimately it boosts your app retention rates. By following a good email marketing strategy you can bring new customers and upsell your existing customers too. 

10. In-app messaging
Chatting!!! Everyone loves to do. Mind you not only girls love to gossip,boys also do. Most of the time people spend in the app is somehow in-built with In-app messaging features. As per the data, apps which have in-app messaging features are likely to increase retention rates from 60% - 70%.

Which app has the highest retention rate?


Honestly, it can’t be determined because people leave and join in seconds. And this makes statistics unstable.The only thing or an app which has the highest retention rate doesn’t exist at all. It's people choice and trends which makes an app user more or less. Have you ever thought  Tik-tok can be so famous that even google has to launch the shorts feature in YouTube and Instagram has to launch reel feature?  It's because the videos are now in trend. People love to interact with others through this medium at present. So, special advice if you want to increase your app retention rate make sure you build it as per user choice.

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