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Image by Niclas Illg
Flutter Performance Optimization Practices

In today’s world businesses have not only to develop smooth and fast applications but also engaging applications to keep users stay on the application. Lagging and sluggishness frustrate users and give them bad user experience. That’s why it is important to involve features in your application as per your users requirements. We hope this piece of information will help you to improve your flutter performance in your application.

Table of Content

  • Introduction

  • Flutter vs React- native Performance

  • Flutter Performance Optimization 

  • The Final Verdict: Flutter Performance



Flutter has become the most popular cross platform application development framework unlike Xamarin and others. Google has developed Flutter and by time Google has added many features and languages in Flutter such as Dart Programming, Hot Load Functionality, Firebase Plugin and so on. Flutter framework reduces the development time and cost which ultimately add flexibility to the application development. 

Let’s understand the difference between flutter and react-native performance.


Flutter vs React- Native Performance

Well both frameworks provide unbeatable performance. But Flutter is still the first choice of developers and the reason is Flutter is a feature-rich framework and it is quite flexible for hefty files and consumes less memory. React-native applications are lightweight but consume more power, which act as a negative. 

Flutter works with native code which ultimately improves the application performance. Flutter can be used in various things, real-estate, entertainment, news, business automation, vehicle systems and so on. 

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Flutter Performance Optimization


Here, we are going to tell you about the ways by which you can increase your flutter application performance. Following are the ways:

1. Dodge Stateful Widgets
Though some things are not in your control always. But few things are, by controlling and keeping them in the right place will improve your flutter application performance and will give a smooth experience to users. Here you just need a point to add to the “not to do list” and that is Stateful Widgets. Stateful Widgets should not be used if you rebuild or update.

2. Const Keyword
Const keyword is a flutter widget used at the time of compilation to avoid. It allows using multiple flutter widgets without hindering  the performance of the application. In addition to all of these const keyword benefits, there is one more, which is , it avoids rebuilding whenever developers use different widgets.

3. Use Async
It’s very important to check that the code used in the application is synchronous or asynchronous. By the Flutter Async/Await feature code can be written asynchronously in the flutter application.

Though upgrading and debugging Async code is difficult. But this increases the code readability when aligned with Async.

4. Develop and Display Frames
The display has been categorized in two ways: structure and picture. Developers usually have 8ms for the structure of the display and 8ms for the picture to provide a 60hz display. If you really want smooth flutter performance in your application don’t forget to divide 16ms equally to structure & picture.

Don’t think that 16ms will decrease the display quality. Instead it will improve the battery life of the system. Also, with these 16ms you’ll get better performance on smaller devices.

5. Avoid Widget Rebuilding

Animation is one of the engaging features in any desktop or mobile application. No doubt animation grabs the attention of users but it declines the performance of the app as well.
Usually developers use Animation Controller, although it rebuilds multiple widgets in animated builder but that leads to the sluggishness in the flutter application. To avoid such issues you can use Counter Widget, which develops animation without rebuilding multiple widgets.

6. Don’t go for Build Method
If you’re an experienced developer you know very well how good it is to avoid the Build Method but if you’re a newcomer, I would recommend you to not go for Build () Method at all. Not just because it's costly, but because it consumes lots of CPU power. And Multiple widgets can affect your flutter application performance. If you really want to give your user a good experience then you can divide the large widgets into smaller ones , so that it won’t affect your flutter performance.
7. Reduce App Size
While developing the app we thought to have good codes, plugins and a lot of features so that users can have a good experience. But we forget one thing: it consumes a lot of memory to store all of this data, which ultimately reduces the performance.
Flutter has the inside tools which help in reducing the application size, called Gradle. You can reduce the flutter application size to optimize flutter performance. Infact google has introduced the packaging system through which you can create bundles of android applications.
Best part about the app bundle is that it allows you to download original code directly from the Play Store. 

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The Final Verdict: Flutter Performance


Flutter has provided a lot of features in its framework in app development whether you’re developing a web app or mobile app. Apart from that it is so good for hefty visual effects applications. 
But this is important to avoid unwanted errors and bugs and to sort the slowness of the application. Flutter inculcates the door of reliability, security and scalability to the application.

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